Science Year 2022
AI is meant to be applied
In the beginning, there was the question of the helpful use of artificial intelligence: Tamas Nemes developed a portable guidance system for blind and visually impaired people.
Read moreHere, you can browse through a collection of newspaper articles, interviews, podcasts, radio reports and other press voices that have featured the
GUIDE-Walk in recent years. This list will be updated continuously!
Science Year 2022
In the beginning, there was the question of the helpful use of artificial intelligence: Tamas Nemes developed a portable guidance system for blind and visually impaired people.
18-year-old Tamas Nemes from Regensburg developed the Guide Walk.
On Saturday evening, the "KiKa Award" was presented in the Kesselsaal at the Zentralheize in Erfurt.
Outstanding ideas from children and young people provide encouragement.
Read moreTVAktuell
According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1.2 million blind and visually impaired people live in Germany.
WatchMittelbayerische Zeitung
It recognizes dangers and obstacles: At just 18, Tamas Nemes programmed an AI to help the visually impaired.
Read moreBILD
While other 15-year-olds are playing on the Playstation after school or playing soccer on the field, Tamas Nemes is working on his invention.
Read moreDBSV
At the end of March, Tamas Nemes (17) from Regensburg not only won the state prize in Bavaria with his Youth Research project "Guide Walk", but also the special prize "Entrepreneurship" from Wissensfabrik in his state.
Read moreKugelZwei
What would you like to invent to support others?
Tamás Nemes (17) from the Regensburger Domspatzen high school has won the state competition "Jugend forscht" in the technology category.
Read moreStraubinger Tagblatt
Competition Jugend forscht reaches highlight - Award ceremony on Sunday.
PDFMittelbayerische Zeitung
Tamás Nemes (17) from the Domspatzen high school has won the state competition "Jugend forscht" in the technology category.
Read moreAntenne Bayern
Tamás Nemes (17) from the Regensburger Domspatzen high school achieved 1st place in the technology category of the 2021 "Jugend Forscht" state competition.
Mehr lesenElektrotechnik in 5 Minuten
Today I introduce you to Tamas, he has built an AI system that uses camera analysis to acoustically explain the world to blind people.
WatchMittelbayerische Zeitung
At the regional competition, the students of the Domspatzen high school won three first prizes, among others.
Read moreDomspatzen-Magazin
At the regional competition "Jugend forscht" the Domspatzen once again collect prizes in series.
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